Innovative solutions for your crops Linea de productos See AllAdjuvantBiostimulantsInsecticide Seed treatmentFoliar fertilizerLiquid fertilizerMicrogranular FertilizerBacterial protector Aplicar Rizospray Extremo Adjuvant Incrementa la cobertura, penetración y actividad biológica de los herbicidas, fungicidas, insecticidas y fertilizantes foliares. Su formulación incluye organosiliconas y aceite vegetal refinado modificado, ofreciendo así un producto único y de amplio espectro para aplicaciones de alta calidad. Crops Todos los cultivos. See More Adjuvant Incrementa la cobertura, penetración y actividad biológica de los herbicidas, fungicidas, insecticidas y fertilizantes foliares. Su formulación incluye organosiliconas y aceite vegetal refinado modificado, ofreciendo así un producto único y de amplio espectro para aplicaciones de alta calidad. Go back Details Sus beneficios se potencian bajo condiciones ambientales desfavorables como, riesgo de lluvias pocas horas después de la aplicación, elevada temperatura o escasa humedad ambiental. Asegura mayor protección de las gotas en condiciones extremas, logra una máxima penetración cuticular y tiene una excelente capacidad de esparcimiento sobre el blanco. Antievaporante: protege las gotas desde que salen de las boquillas del pulverizador hasta llegar al blanco y con posterioridad, gracias a su fórmula que incluye aceite refinado y modificado. Alto poder de mojado y mayor superficie de cobertura, facilitada por las organosiliconas que componen su formulación. Máxima penetración cuticular: el aceite vegetal modificado (MSO) disuelve la pared mientras que la organosilicona brinda una gran afinidad de las gotas con la cera cuticular, generando de esta forma una combinación perfecta. Advantages Hace mas eficientes las aplicaciones con bajo volumen.Disminuye el riesgo de lavado por lluvia.Su formulación optimiza la performance de los fitosanitarios y mejora los tiempos de logística.Aumenta la eficiencia del control de malezas estresadas o difíciles.Disminuye drásticamente los riesgos de manchado o “Efecto Lupa”.Permite trabajar con menor humedad relativa que lo habitual. Crop Todos los cultivos. Presentation Botella de 1 y 5 L. Application Rate En cultivos extensivos: 200 cc/ha en aplicaciones terrestres y aéreas con volúmenes menores a 200Lts/ha Rizonema Bionematicida Tecnología a base de moléculas orgánicas nematicidas extraídas de plantas. Crops Arroz Maíz Papa Soja See More Bionematicida Tecnología a base de moléculas orgánicas nematicidas extraídas de plantas. Go back Details Tecnología a base de moléculas orgánicas nematicidas extraídas de plantas, para ser aplicada de forma foliar o en el surco, con el objetivo de proporcionar protección y prevenir la aparición de nemátodos que afectan el rendimiento del cultivo. También aporta carbono orgánico, aminoácidos esenciales (16), ácidos fúlvicos y Nitrógeno. Advantages Formulación termo estable (> 50°C).Mezcla compatible con productos biológicos y químicos.Preserva la biología del suelo.Desempeño constante independientemente del clima.Mayor efecto residual (35 a 40 días) en comparación con productos químicos (18 a 20 días).Biofertilizante.Acondicionador del suelo.Tecnología certificada para agricultura orgánica.No fitotóxico, no citotóxico. Crop Arroz Maíz Papa Soja Presentation Bidón de 20 L Application Rate Soja, Maíz, Arroz, Trigo 2 - 3 litros/ha. Papa 10 litros/ha (2 aplicaciones). Algodón 3 - 4 litros/ha. Zanahoria 5 litros/ha (4 aplicaciones) Brochure Download Packaging Ver Rizonema Ts Bionematicida Tecnología a base de moléculas orgánicas nematicidas extraídas de plantas. Crops Arroz Maíz Soja Trigo See More Bionematicida Tecnología a base de moléculas orgánicas nematicidas extraídas de plantas. Go back Details Tecnología a base de moléculas orgánicas nematicidas extraídas de plantas, para ser aplicada en tratamiento de semillas o en el surco, con el objetivo de proporcionar protección y prevenir la aparición de nemátodos que afectan el rendimiento del cultivo. También contiene extracto de algas, aminoácidos esenciales (16), ácidos fúlvicos y micronutrientes (Co, Mo y Zn). Advantages Formulación termo estable (> 50°C).Gran vida útil. Permite 90 días de pre-tratamiento de semillas.Mezcla compatible con productos biológicos y químicos.Preserva la biología del suelo.Desempeño constante independientemente del clima.Mayor efecto residual (35 a 40 días) en comparación con productos químicos (18 a 20 días).Biofertilizante con micronutrientes.Enraizador.Tecnología certificada para agricultura orgánica.No fitotóxico, no citotóxico. Crop Arroz Maíz Soja Trigo Presentation Botella de 1 L Application Rate Soja 2 cc/kg de semilla Maíz 5 cc/kg de semilla Trigo 1 cc/kg de semilla Arroz 2 cc/kg de semilla Brochure Download Packaging Ver Rizospirillum Liquid inoculant Rizospirillum is a biostimulant that contains Azospirillum brasilense, a species of bacteria that enhances plant growth. Crops Caña de azúcar Maíz Soja Trigo See More Liquid inoculant Rizospirillum is a biostimulant that contains Azospirillum brasilense, a species of bacteria that enhances plant growth. Go back Details Rizospirillum bacteria colonize the rhizosphere and promote plant development by means of biological nitrogen fixation, nutrient solubilization and phytohormones (such as auxins, gibberellins and cytokinins) release, allowing for a higher crop yield potential. Research has shown that the association of Azospirillum brasilense with corn can promote root development, which improves water and nutrient uptake (thus intensifying tolerance to hydric stress) and stimulates growth. Advantages Enhances nutrient use efficiencyImproves water use efficiencyIncreases yield potential Crop Caña de azúcar Maíz Soja Trigo Presentation Vejiga de 2 L Application Rate Soja 200 ml/100 kg semilla en surco200 ml/ha. Maíz: 500 mL/100kg de semilla. Trigo: 200 mL/100 kg. 300 mL/ha. Caña de azúcar: foliar 200 mL/ha. Packaging Ver Rizoliq Dakar Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Inoculant that is specially designed for soybean production under adverse conditions such as drought and high temperatures. Crops Soja See More Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Inoculant that is specially designed for soybean production under adverse conditions such as drought and high temperatures. Go back Details It provides a sustainable and adaptive response to climate change in high stress environments caused by hydric deficiency and high temperatures. It improves production in areas with limiting environments that endanger the survival of inoculant's bacteria, symbiosis and the productivity of soybean. The Drought and High Temperature Tolerance Technology is an exclusive formula developed by Rizobacter that exposes bacteria to a specific fermentation and formulation process, increasing their ability to adapt to adverse situations. Rizoliq Dakar includes HC Technology (High Concentration), a novel formulation process by which a higher bacterial concentration is obtained. This innovation ensures a greater number of bacteria on seed, with a lower application rate. It is formulated with Osmoprotection Technology (TOP), which also strengthens bacteria and increases their concentration and survival on the seed. It contains a high concentration at elaboration date (2 x 1010 bacteria/mL). Furthermore, it allows for an anticipated seed treatment, thus preventing logistical issues at sowing time. For extended on-seed survival, we recommend using Premax (bacteria protector). Advantages Increased yield potentialMitigates the effect of main failure factors on the inoculation and nodulation processExtends pre-treatment periodIncreases bacterial tolerance against high temperaturesFavors crop development in marginal areas with low water availabilityProvides greater Biological Nitrogen Fixation Crop Soja Presentation Vejiga de 2 L Application Rate 200 mL cada 100 kg de semillas Brochure Download New Rizoliq Surco Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Is a Liquid inoculant based on Bradyrhizobium sp, formulated for the cultivation of peanuts. It is applied simultaneously on the seed and on the sowing line. It includes osmoprotective Technology (TOP). Crops Soja See More Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Is a Liquid inoculant based on Bradyrhizobium sp, formulated for the cultivation of peanuts. It is applied simultaneously on the seed and on the sowing line. It includes osmoprotective Technology (TOP). Go back Details The inclusion of osmoprotective substances (TOP Technology) promotes the high metabolic and physiological performance of the microorganisms that are part of the inoculant. In this way, they are able to endure greater survival rate on all the seed’s surface, and better adapt to diverse agricultural environments and adverse situations, such as hydric and chemical stress. The internal protection of the microorganisms allows for a competitive edge of up to seven days before sowing, making the job of the farmer easier. If the sowing is detained by any eventuality, there is no need to treat the seed again. Advantages Produces excellent nodulationGreater capacity to fixate NitrogenEasy application.Simultaneous inoculation and sowing.Greater amount of microorganisms in the seed and the rhizosphere..Avoids the desiccation of the inoculant on the legumen of the seed.Saves time. Crop Soja Presentation 4 vejigas de 2 L de Rizoliq Surco + 1 vejiga de 1.5 L de Premax Application Rate 400 mL/ha rizoliq Surco + 70 mL/ha. Premax Safety data sheet Download Brochure Download Packaging Ver Signum Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Inoculant with Bioinducer technology that maximizes biological capacity of legumes and boosts Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF). It is an innovative formulation that defines a new performance standard in inoculation. Crops Soja See More Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Inoculant with Bioinducer technology that maximizes biological capacity of legumes and boosts Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF). It is an innovative formulation that defines a new performance standard in inoculation. Go back Details Nodule development begins with the communication between the plant radicle and the bacteria. Signum acts as a generator of molecular signals that activate early metabolic processes in bacteria and plants, resulting in an earlier and more efficient nodulation, which maximizes the nodules capacity to fix nitrogen. SIGNUM is based on two technologies: 1. Bioinducer It stimulates bacteria to produce multiple determinants of nodulation, improving communication between bacteria and the root. 2. Osmoprotection It is a process that improves the physiological state and the resistance of bacteria, increasing their survival on the seed. It allows for an anticipated seed treatment, thus preventing logistical issues at sowing time. For extended on-seed survival, we recommend using Premax (bacteria protector). Advantages Accelerates communication between root and bacteriaPromotes early symbiotic association, activating signals and determinants of nodulationActivates bacteria physiologically, maximizing the plants' ability to fix nitrogenImproves behavior in stress situations, such as hydric deficit, soil acidity and low temperaturesAnticipated treatment with seed-applied chemicals (ask your ag-input supplier for specific recommendations)Maximizes the Biological Fixation of Nitrogen even under conditions of abiotic stress.Stimulates greater Biological Nitrogen FixationIncreased yield potential Crop Soja Presentation Vejiga de 2 L c/u Application Rate 200mL/100kg de semilla Safety data sheet Download Brochure Download Packaging Ver Rizoliq TOP II Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Inoculant that promotes higher bacterial metabolic and physiological performance. It allows an anticipated seed application and improves logistics when the farmer needs it most. Crops Soja See More Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Inoculant that promotes higher bacterial metabolic and physiological performance. It allows an anticipated seed application and improves logistics when the farmer needs it most. Go back Details A unique formulation process and composition with osmoprotective substances (TOP Technology) strengthen bacteria and increase their concentration and survival on seed. Because of its high concentration at elaboration date (1 x 1010 bacteria / mL) and its formulation based on specially selected Bradyrhizobium japonicum y Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens., Rizoliq TOP maximizes nodulation and Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF). Moreover, it allows for an anticipated seed treatment, thus preventing logistical issues at sowing time. For extended on-seed survival, we recommend using Premax (bacteria protector). Advantages Greater bacterial concentration and stability in the containerMore active physiological state of bacteria than with traditional methodsSuperior protection at the cell membrane level to reduce desiccationGreater on-seed survivalBetter adaptability to adverse environmental conditions, such as hydric and chemical stressAnticipated treatment with seed-applied chemicals (ask your ag-input supplier for specific recommendations)Greater Biological Nitrogen FixationIncreased yield potential Crop Soja Presentation Vejiga de 2 L Application Rate 200 mL/100 kg de semilla Rizoliq LLI S Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Is a Long Life Inoculant (LLI) that allows for the seed to be treated -alongside fungicides and insecticides- up to 60 days before the sow. Crops Soja See More Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Is a Long Life Inoculant (LLI) that allows for the seed to be treated -alongside fungicides and insecticides- up to 60 days before the sow. Go back Details Its last generation microbiological technology ensures greater microorganism survival over the soybean, a greater nodular dry mass, better Biological Fixation of Nitrogen and high compatibility with seed treatments. With LLI, keeping the microorganisms alive along with the treatment of the seeds is no longer a problem because it becomes the motor for the solution, resulting in a significant advancement in the process of pre-sowing. Advantages It enables the treatment of the seed- alongside fungicides and insecticides of chemical origin- up to 60 days before the sowing.Ensures an adequate amount of microorganisms on the seedMore practical: allows an even flow in the distribution, enabling the quality of the treatment.Allows for a perfect dosage, ensuring a decrease in the amount of product used.Allows for the concept “ready to use” with less environmental risk, reducing the damage to the seed in pre-sowing treatments.Greater implantation speed and security. Crop Soja Presentation Vejiga de 5 L Application Rate 250 mL/ 100 kg de semillas rizoliq LLIS+ 50 mL/100 kg de Premax S Rizoliq Max Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Liquid inoculant with a pure formulation that stands out for its ease of use Crops Soja See More Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Liquid inoculant with a pure formulation that stands out for its ease of use Go back Details Rizoliq contains strains of Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, Bradyrhizobium sp, selected specially for their specificity, infectivity and efficiency. Its exclusive formulation allows for a high bacterial concentration in the container and on the seed. Such concentration guarantees that the radicle is infected at the time of germination, thus achieving early infection and greater nodulation in the main root. For extended on-seed survival, we recommend using Premax (bacteria protector). Advantages High load of nitrogen-fixing bacteriaEase of use in seed treatment due to its liquid formulationGreater biological nitrogen fixationIncreased yield potential Crop Soja Presentation Vejiga de 2L Application Rate 200 mL/ 100kg de semillas Packaging Ver Rizoderma Max BioControl Biological fungicide for seed treatment that achieves a greater control of diseases and offers long-term residual efficacy. Crops Arroz Maíz Soja Trigo See More BioControl Biological fungicide for seed treatment that achieves a greater control of diseases and offers long-term residual efficacy. Go back Details Innovative 100% liquid, pure and totally biological formulation. It contains Trichoderma harzianum (Th2) strain, specially selected because of its effectiveness controlling the development of the main seed and soilborne diseases in wheat, rice and soybean. Modes of action: Competitiveness: Trichoderma grows and forms a protective shield; colonizes and competes against pathogens. Mycoparasitism: uses pathogens as a source of food. Antibiosis: secretes fungicide substances that prevent pathogen growth. Growth: promotes root and aerial development, resulting in healthy and strong crops. Advantages Suppresses or prevents from attacking of a diversity of pathogens in different crops.Compatible with adjuvants, insecticides, and some fungicides. Crop Arroz Maíz Soja Trigo Presentation Vejiga de 2 L Application Rate Soja: 100 mL/100 kg de semilla, foliar: 200 mL/ha, surco: 100 mL/ha. Maíz: 300 mL/100 kg de semilla, surco: 100 mL/ha. Trigo: 100 mL/100kg de semilla, foliar: 200 mL/ha. Arroz: 100 mL/100 kg de semilla, foliar 200 mL/ha Safety data sheet Download Marbete Download Brochure Download Packaging Ver Rizoderma BioControl Biological fungicide for foliar application that provides greater disease control and a prolonged residual power. Crops Tomato, Potato, Lettuce, Berries, Grapes, Soybean, Corn, Sunflower, Peanut & Dry Bean See More BioControl Biological fungicide for foliar application that provides greater disease control and a prolonged residual power. Go back Details ATERIX is a biofungicide based on Trichoderma afroharzianum, a fungus recognized for being one of the most important biocontrol agents to suppress a wide range of plant pathogens. When applied to the plants, it can help to prevent or reduce the incidence of certain foliar diseases. Advantages Suppresses or prevents from attacking of a diversity of pathogens in different crops.Compatible with adjuvants, insecticides, and some fungicides. Crop Tomato, Potato, Lettuce, Berries, Grapes, Soybean, Corn, Sunflower, Peanut & Dry Bean Presentation Wheat: 200 mL/100 kg seed, Soybean: 100 mL/100 kg seed, Rice: 400-600 mL/100 kg seed Application Rate Wheat: 200 mL/100 kg of seed., Soybean: 100 mL/100 kg of seed., Rice: 400-600 mL/100 kg of seed. Safety data sheet Download Marbete Download Brochure Download Rizofos Liq Maíz Biostimulants Biofertilizante promotor del crecimiento vegetal formulado con bacterias promotoras de crecimiento (PGPR) de la especie Pseudomonas fluorescens, seleccionadas por su capacidad de solubilizar el Fósforo del suelo. Crops Maíz See More Biostimulants Biofertilizante promotor del crecimiento vegetal formulado con bacterias promotoras de crecimiento (PGPR) de la especie Pseudomonas fluorescens, seleccionadas por su capacidad de solubilizar el Fósforo del suelo. Go back Details Incrementa la disponibilidad del Fósforo del suelo, mineralizando la fracción orgánica y solubilizando la fracción inorgánica. Produce fitohormonas (auxinas, giberelinas, citoquininas) que actúan como factores de crecimiento potenciando el desarrollo radical del cultivo. Produce antibióticos y sideóforos, que protegen a las plantas de patógenos fúngicos y mejoran el estado sanitario. Está formulado en un soporte estéril líquido que contiene, Pseudomonas fluorescens con una concentración bacteriana que garantiza la acción del producto, garantizando mejoras en el desarrollo radicular y vegetativo. Advantages Incrementa la disponibilidad del fósforo del suelo.Mejora la eficiencia de uso de los fertilizantes fosforados.Promueve sustancias estimuladoras del crecimiento que inducen a la iniciación radicular e incrementan la formación de raíces y pelos radiculares.Es apto para ser aplicado en agricultura orgánica. Crop Maíz Presentation Vejiga de 500 mL Rizofos Liq Maíz + Sobre de 200 mL Premax R. Application Rate 700 mL /100 kg semilla. Para tratar 400kg de semilla de maíz (aprox. 10 ha) Packaging Ver Rizofos Plus Biostimulants Microbial biostimulant that promotes plant growth, increasing nutrients availability for a better development. Rizofos is improved nutrition and resilience Crops Arroz Maíz Soja Trigo See More Biostimulants Microbial biostimulant that promotes plant growth, increasing nutrients availability for a better development. Rizofos is improved nutrition and resilience Go back Details Its pure and liquid formula contains a high concentration of Pseudomonas fluorescens bacteria and provides better growth and development. Increases phosphorus and zinc availability in the soil, mineralizing the organic fraction and solubilizing the inorganic fraction. Produces phytohormones (auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins) that act as growth factors, promoting root development. For extended on-seed survival, we recommend using Premax bacteria protector. Advantages Increases nutrient availability in the soilImproves fertilizer use efficiencyImproves water use efficiencySuitable for organic farming Crop Arroz Maíz Soja Trigo Presentation Caja de 2 vejigas de 2L c/u Application Rate Soja: 100 mL/100kg de semillas, surco: 200mL/ha. Maíz: 500 mL/100 kg de semillas. Trigo: 100 mL/100 kg de semillas. Arroz: 100 mL/100 kg de semillas. Packaging Ver Microstar CMB BIO Nutrition and Biostimulants Microstar CMB BIO is the first micro-granular fertilizer in a chemical mixture associated with biological technology, which enhances crops nutrition and adds life to the soil. Crops Soya Cotton Chickpea Sunflower Corn See More Nutrition and Biostimulants Microstar CMB BIO is the first micro-granular fertilizer in a chemical mixture associated with biological technology, which enhances crops nutrition and adds life to the soil. Go back Details Microstar CMB BIO is a micro-granular fertilizer formulated to synergistically integrate chemical and biological nutrition: it provides essential macro and micronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, zinc, cobalt, molybdenum, and boron, in addition to four types of bacteria. These bacteria –of the genus Bacillus– multiply the development of beneficial microorganisms in the soil, producing biostimulant substances that promote plant growth. Additionally, bacteria associate with the roots of crops (endophytic relationships); they enter and exit to deliver the nutrients in the fertilizer and release metabolites, which make the nutrients in the soil bioavailable. Advantages Rapid dissolution and availability of nutrients and bacteria supplied with the seed, without generating phytotoxicity at the recommended dose.All microgranules have the same composition, which guarantees a uniform distribution of nutrients and the bacteria applied.Coformulation of organic acids that provide extra protection to the phosphorus fraction of the fertilizer.Starter fertilizer: it favors rapid crop establishment and minimizes intraspecific competition giving early vigor to each plant.EXCLUSIVE TO THE BIO LINE Microstar CMB BIO is enriched with live bacteria, which generate substances that act as crop biostimulants and improve the bioavailability of the nutrients provided and those in the soil.Average yields of +9% over untreated (depending on the crop and number of applications).Improves Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF), as it increases the nodules quantity and functionality Crop Soya Cotton Chickpea Sunflower Corn Presentation Bags of 20 kg and Big Bags of 600 and 1000 kg. Application Rate Sunflower - Soybean 20-30 kg/ha, Maize 20-40 kg/ha, Wheat - Barley 30-40 kg/ha, Potatoes 30-50 kg/ha, Legumes 20-40 kg/ha, Pastures and Turf 20-40 kg/ha, Fruit trees and other woody crops 50-100 g/m2 Brochure Download Packaging Ver Microstar PZ Nutrition and Biostimulants Microstar PZ microgranular fertilizer technology promotes crop start and represents a qualitative leap towards efficiency and precision in the nutrition process. Offers the greatest efficiency on the market by applying the necessary rate of zinc. Crops Barley Girasol Legumbres Maíz See More Nutrition and Biostimulants Microstar PZ microgranular fertilizer technology promotes crop start and represents a qualitative leap towards efficiency and precision in the nutrition process. Offers the greatest efficiency on the market by applying the necessary rate of zinc. Go back Details Microstar PZ is a fertilizer based on microgranules in a chemical mixture, a technology that enhances crops nutrition and adds life to the soil. Due to its composition, it is especially recommended for grassy weeds (Gramineae) nutrition. It is indicated for use as a sowing starter near the seed, in order to fertilize the crop and favor access and rapid availability of nutrients applied in the root absorption zone. The microgranules are enhanced with TPP (Phosphorus Preservation Technology), a co-formulation of organic acids that provides extra protection to the phosphorus fraction. Microstar microgranular fertilizer is produced by Synertech Industries under international quality standards International Quality Standards ISO 9001:2015 Advantages The proximity of the microgranules to the seeds facilitates early absorption of nutrients.Starter: it contributes to the development of the root system from the start and to the rapid and homogeneous establishment of the cropUniform distribution of applied nutrients.In legumes, it enhances conditions for a correct nodulation and activity for Biological Nitrogen Fixation.It is not phytotoxic at the recommended rate.It is easy to apply in the field.It simplifies logistics. Crop Barley Girasol Legumbres Maíz Presentation Bolsa de 20kg y Big Bag de 600 kg Application Rate Soja 20-40 kg/ha, Girasol: 20-30 kg/ha, Maíz 30-40 kg/ha, Trigo/Cebada: 30-50 kg/ha, Papa- Legumbres: 20-30 kg/ha, Pasturas y Verdeos: 20-40 kg/ha Vitagrow Foliar fertilizer VitaGrow is an organic-mineral foliar fertilizer that helps increase crops productivity and sustainability. Crops Arroz Arveja Canola Barley See More Foliar fertilizer VitaGrow is an organic-mineral foliar fertilizer that helps increase crops productivity and sustainability. Go back Details VitaGrow offers four benefits in a single product; it is a biostimulant, detoxifying, anti-stress, foliar fertilizer that provides multi-nutrients. The organic fraction of its molecule are lignosulfonates, obtained from lignin-rich residues. Lignosulfonates are high-quality biological polymers on which 16 macro and micronutrients are chelated. Vitagrow is used at low use rates and has an excellent solubility; in addition, it can be applied in conjunction with herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and conventional liquid fertilizers. Advantages Improves Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF), as it increases nodules quantity and functionality.Excellent solubility and easy application.High compatibility and flexibility of use with herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and conventional liquid fertilizers.Rapid absorption and mobility in plants.Average yields of +9% over untreated controls (depending on the crop and number of applications).Rendimientos promedios de un 9 % extra versus testigos sin tratar (según cultivo y cantidad de aplicaciones).Low use rate and cost per hectare. Crop Arroz Arveja Canola Barley Presentation Caja con 10 sobres de 1kg Application Rate 150 gr/ha por aplicación Safety data sheet Download Brochure Download Packaging Ver Vitagrow TS Nutrition and Biostimulants Vitagrow TS ofrece cuatro beneficios en un solo fertilizante: es bioestimulante, antiestresante, detoxificante y aporta multinutrientes. Crops Alfalfa Algodón Arroz Barley See More Nutrition and Biostimulants Vitagrow TS ofrece cuatro beneficios en un solo fertilizante: es bioestimulante, antiestresante, detoxificante y aporta multinutrientes. Go back Details El origen de la fracción orgánica de su molécula proviene del aprovechamiento de residuos ricos en lignina desde donde se obtienen lignosulfonatos, polímeros de altísima calidad biológica sobre los cuales se quelatan 16 macro y micro nutrientes. Gracias a su compatibilidad y baja dosis de uso, puede aplicarse en forma conjunta con diferentes tecnologías de tratamiento de semillas. Se destaca la sinergia con Status ZN, fertilizante líquido para la aplicación de zinc en forma temprana en gramíneas. Advantages Aumenta el número y el volumen de raíces.Mejora la tolerancia al carry de moléculas herbicidas y a diferentes tipos de estrés.Aporta macro y micronutrientes esenciales.Activa la Fijación Biológica de Nitrógeno (FBN), ya que incrementa la cantidad y funcionalidad de los nódulos.Efecto sinérgico con todos los inoculantes, fertilizantes y terápicos de Rizobacter. Crop Alfalfa Algodón Arroz Barley Presentation Caja con 10 sobres de 1 kg. Application Rate 50 - 80 mL cada 100kg de semilla. Brochure Download Microstar CMB Nutrition and Biostimulants La tecnología del fertilizante Microstar CMB representa un salto cualitativo hacia la eficacia y precisión en el proceso de nutrición de los cultivos impulsando su arranque. Amplía las posibilidades de respuesta en cultivos de leguminosas y en otros cultivos con alta Crops Barley Girasol Legumbres Maíz See More Nutrition and Biostimulants La tecnología del fertilizante Microstar CMB representa un salto cualitativo hacia la eficacia y precisión en el proceso de nutrición de los cultivos impulsando su arranque. Amplía las posibilidades de respuesta en cultivos de leguminosas y en otros cultivos con alta Go back Details Microstar CMB is a fertilizer that combines in its formulation the technology of chemical mixes of Micro granules, providing for Phosphorus (P), Sulfur (S), Calcium (Ca), Zinc (Zn), Boron (B), Molybdenum (Mo) and Cobalt (Co). It is to be used in the sowing as an initiator, alongside the seed, fertilizing the crop and favoring the access and availability of the applied nutrients in the root’s absorption area. Efficient Absorption of Phosphorous The micro granules are empowered with TPP technology (Technology for the Preservation of Phosphorous) that include a co-formulation with organic acids that provide extra protection to the fraction of phosphorous in the product. Diminishes the probability of colloid fixation in the soil and clay fixators. Diminishes the probability of the phosphorus blockage in the presence of calcium. Protects the blockage of antagonic metallic cations to the phosphorous, such as Al-Fe. Certificate of Quality The Micro granulated Microstar is a product of Synertich Industries, produced under International Quality Standards ISO 9001:2015 Advantages The proximity of the micro granules to the seed allows for the early absorption of nutrients.Initiator: contributes to the development of the root system from the start and the quick and uniform formation of the crop.Uniform distribution of the applied nutrients.Favors the conditions for the correct nodulation and the Biological Fixation of Nitrogen in Legumes.It is not phytotoxic in the recommended dosage.Easy application.Improves Logistics. Crop Barley Girasol Legumbres Maíz Presentation Bolsa de 20 kg y Big Bag de 600 kg Application Rate Soja/Girasol: 20-30 kg/ha, Maíz 20-40 kg/ha, Trigo/Cebada: 20-40 kg/ha, Papa- Legumbres: 20-30 kg/ha, Pasturas y Verdeos: 20-40 kg/ha. Fertilizante microgranulado Nutrition and Biostimulants Vitagrow TS ofrece cuatro beneficios en un solo fertilizante: es bioestimulante, antiestresante, detoxificante y aporta multinutrientes. Crops Alfalfa Algodón Barley See More Nutrition and Biostimulants Vitagrow TS ofrece cuatro beneficios en un solo fertilizante: es bioestimulante, antiestresante, detoxificante y aporta multinutrientes. Go back Details El origen de la fracción orgánica de su molécula proviene del aprovechamiento de residuos ricos en lignina desde donde se obtienen lignosulfonatos, polímeros de altísima calidad biológica sobre los cuales se quelatan 16 macro y micro nutrientes. Gracias a su compatibilidad y baja dosis de uso, puede aplicarse en forma conjunta con diferentes tecnologías de tratamiento de semillas. Se destaca la sinergia con Status ZN, fertilizante líquido para la aplicación de zinc en forma temprana en gramíneas. Advantages Increases the number and volume of roots.Improves tolerance to carry of herbicide molecules and to different types of stress.Provides essential macro and micronutrients.Activates the Biological Nitrogen Fixation (FBN), since it increases the quantity and functionality of the nodules.Synergistic effect with all Rizobacter inoculants, fertilizers and therapeutics Crop Alfalfa Algodón Barley Presentation Box of 10 bottles of 1 L each Application Rate 50 a 80 cc cada 100 kg of seed. Brochure Download Rizospray Corrector Secuestrante Adjuvant It is a pH corrector with buffering capacity and an ability to captor high performing cations that improves the water quality of agricultural sprays. Crops Todos los cultivos. See More Adjuvant It is a pH corrector with buffering capacity and an ability to captor high performing cations that improves the water quality of agricultural sprays. Go back Details It is the most efficient cation captor, inhibiting the antagonistic effect produces by Ca, Mg, Fe, Al and other over the phytosanitary. It has a potent buffer power that allows for the correction of its water hardness, ensuring the pH stays at a range of 4.5 to 6.5 by the end of the dosage. The pH value for which the Rizospray Captor Corrector has been designed has shown that it is the adequate choice for most of the phytosanitary. Advantages Excellent buffering power that improves the conditions of application of agro-chemical products.Helps to combat weeds present in lime, clay and other organic matter (soil) or Ca on the surface.Ability to form chelates with the cations, avoiding the precipitation of the captured material. Crop Todos los cultivos. Presentation 10 botellas de 1 L c/u Application Rate Cada 200 ppm de CaCO3 en 100 litros de agua, 25 cc de Corrector Secuestrante. Rizospray Extremo Adjuvant Increases the coverage, penetration and biological activity of the herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers. Its formulation includes silicon organs, modified-refined vegetable oil, in this way offering a unique wide-range product for high quality applications. Crops Todos los cultivos. See More Adjuvant Increases the coverage, penetration and biological activity of the herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers. Its formulation includes silicon organs, modified-refined vegetable oil, in this way offering a unique wide-range product for high quality applications. Go back Details Increases the coverage, penetration and biological activity of the herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers. Its formulation includes silicon organs, modified-refined vegetable oil, in this way offering a unique wide-range product for high quality applications. Unfavorable environments enhance its benefits. Such is the case with chances of rain a few hours before the application, high temperatures or scares environmental humidity. It ensures greater protection of the drops under extreme conditions, greater cuticular penetration and has excellent spreading capacity over the targeted area. Anti evaporating power: thanks to its formula that includes refined and modified oil, it can protect the drops from the time they leave the pulverizing mouthpiece to the time they reach the target, even in future. High wetness power and greater surface coverage is possible thanks to the silicon organs that make up its formulation. Maximum cuticular penetration: the modified vegetable oil (MSO) dissolves the wall while the silicon organ provides great affinity between the drops and the Advantages Makes low volume applications more efficient.Lowers the risk of washing away due to rain.Its formulation optimizes the performance of the phytosanitary and improves logistic timetablesImproves the efficiency of control in difficult and stressed weed.Drastically lowers the risk of stains or “magnifying-glass effect.”Works with a relatively lower humidity than usual. Crop Todos los cultivos. Presentation Botella de 1 y 5 L Application Rate En cultivos extensivos: 200 cc/ha en aplicaciones terrestres y aéreas con volúmenes menores a 200Lts/ha Rizospray Integrum Adjuvant Only adjuvant technology that integrates a surfactant molecule system combined with modified vegetable oil (MSO), creating a micro emulsion specially designed to accompany broth-based graminicides. Crops Todos los cultivos. See More Adjuvant Only adjuvant technology that integrates a surfactant molecule system combined with modified vegetable oil (MSO), creating a micro emulsion specially designed to accompany broth-based graminicides. Go back Details It is the optimum enhancer of graminicides and other emulsifiable concentrates (CE) because it provides anti-evaporating, penetrating and trans-locating attributes. It is a stable thermodynamic micro-emulsion, which has been specially designed for increasing the stability of very highly complex-mixes carried out in tanks, used in agricultural practices today. Rizospray Integrum is not separated in phases, in this way avoiding the stratification of supplies in the pulverization broth. Advantages Only adjuvant in the market chemically designed to enhance graminicides.Forms a micro-emulsion: stable mix without phase separation.Reduces evaporation because it has methylated oil in its composition.Maximizes the penetration and translocation tandem.Guarantee greater speed and increase the control percentage.It does not affect the performance of the glyphosates and other salts because it is methylated oil with high surfactant concentration. Crop Todos los cultivos. Presentation 4 bidones de 5 L c/u Application Rate 100 a 200 mL/ ha para aplicaciones junto a graminicidas Rizospray Extreme Adjuvant Increases the coverage, penetration and biological activity of the herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers. Its formulation includes silicon organs, modified-refined vegetable oil, in this way offering a unique wide-range product for high quality applications. Crops Alfalfa Algodón Arroz Barley Garbanzo See More Adjuvant Increases the coverage, penetration and biological activity of the herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers. Its formulation includes silicon organs, modified-refined vegetable oil, in this way offering a unique wide-range product for high quality applications. Go back Details Increases the coverage, penetration and biological activity of the herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers. Its formulation includes silicon organs, modified-refined vegetable oil, in this way offering a unique wide-range product for high quality applications. Unfavorable environments enhance its benefits. Such is the case with chances of rain a few hours before the application, high temperatures or scares environmental humidity. It ensures greater protection of the drops under extreme conditions, greater cuticular penetration and has excellent spreading capacity over the targeted area. Anti evaporating power: thanks to its formula that includes refined and modified oil, it can protect the drops from the time they leave the pulverizing mouthpiece to the time they reach the target, even in future. High wetness power and greater surface coverage is possible thanks to the silicon organs that make up its formulation. Maximum cuticular penetration: the modified vegetable oil (MSO) dissolves the wall while the silicon organ provides great affinity between the drops and the Advantages Makes low volume applications more efficient.Lowers the risk of washing away due to rain.Its formulation optimizes the performance of the phytosanitary and improves logistic timetablesImproves the efficiency of control in difficult and stressed weed.Drastically lowers the risk of stains or “magnifying-glass effect.”Works with a relatively lower humidity than usual. Crop Alfalfa Algodón Arroz Barley Garbanzo Presentation One 10 L bladder Application Rate RECOMMENDED In extensive crops: 200cc/ha in terrestrial and aerial applications with volumes lower than 200 L per hectare. , In sprays superior to 200 L, use a 0,1% V/V. Rizo Oil M Plus Adjuvant Anti-evaporating power and penetrating product, it emulsifies the products when applied, forming a protective film, in this way reducing the evaporation and improving its reaction with the vegetable cuticles. Crops Todos los cultivos. See More Adjuvant Anti-evaporating power and penetrating product, it emulsifies the products when applied, forming a protective film, in this way reducing the evaporation and improving its reaction with the vegetable cuticles. Go back Details Because of its formulation, it stands out for its adhesion capacity and the reduction of the surface tension of the drop. Its affinity with wax-like surfaces of the leaves allows for the penetration to the interior of the plants. It is formulated with methyl esters of fatty acids that come from soybean oil (MSO), which provides it with its anti evaporation capacity. It is easily emulsifiable. Especially advisable for avoiding the evaporation of the applied products. Advantages Favors the adherence and reduces the surface tension of the applied products.The affinity of Rizo Oil M Plus with the wax-like surface of the leaves, allows for the penetration in the interior of the plant.Easily emulsified in water. Crop Todos los cultivos. Presentation Bag in box de 15 litros Application Rate 0,3 a 0,5 % del caldo a aplicar. Brochure Download Rizospray Extremo Adjuvant Increases the coverage, penetration and biological activity of the herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers. Its formulation includes silicon organs, modified-refined vegetable oil, in this way offering a unique wide-range product for high quality applications. Crops All crops See More Adjuvant Increases the coverage, penetration and biological activity of the herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers. Its formulation includes silicon organs, modified-refined vegetable oil, in this way offering a unique wide-range product for high quality applications. Go back Details Increases the coverage, penetration and biological activity of the herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers. Its formulation includes silicon organs, modified-refined vegetable oil, in this way offering a unique wide-range product for high quality applications. Unfavorable environments enhance its benefits. Such is the case with chances of rain a few hours before the application, high temperatures or scares environmental humidity. It ensures greater protection of the drops under extreme conditions, greater cuticular penetration and has excellent spreading capacity over the targeted area. Anti evaporating power: thanks to its formula that includes refined and modified oil, it can protect the drops from the time they leave the pulverizing mouthpiece to the time they reach the target, even in future. High wetness power and greater surface coverage is possible thanks to the silicon organs that make up its formulation. Maximum cuticular penetration: the modified vegetable oil (MSO) dissolves the wall while the silicon organ provides great affinity between the drops and the Advantages Makes low volume applications more efficient.Lowers the risk of washing away due to rain.Its formulation optimizes the performance of the phytosanitary and improves logistic timetablesImproves the efficiency of control in difficult and stressed weed.Drastically lowers the risk of stains or “magnifying-glass effect.”Works with a relatively lower humidity than usual. Crop All crops Presentation Botella de 1 y 5 L Application Rate 200 mL / ha hasta 200 L de caldo/ha. Para caldos mayores a 200 L/ha: 0,1% Brochure Download Packaging Ver Silwet Adjuvant Super moistening and dispersing adjuvant, only formulated based on trixiloxane and copolymer, without Nonyl phenol. Crops Todos los cultivos. See More Adjuvant Super moistening and dispersing adjuvant, only formulated based on trixiloxane and copolymer, without Nonyl phenol. Go back Details Silwet has lead the silicon production market used in agriculture for the past 30 years, evolving to obtain Silwet L*Ag. It is a product made up of 100% copolymers and silicon, reaching a great pH stability range, guaranteeing the delivery of its super moistening and dispersing properties in any condition of application. Specially indicated for situations in which high coverage of the impacted tissue, the spread of the phytosanitary particles and the reach of difficult targeted areas are needed. Its low surface tension allows it to go through the natural openings of the crops. It has a wide-ranging scientific backing. Recommended for low volume sprays with good environmental humidity. Advantages High wetting powerGreater adherenceRapid penetration of the agro-chemicals (through stomach and cellular wall).Better coverage: it improves the affinity with the cuticular wax.Reduces washing due to rain. Crop Todos los cultivos. Presentation 10 botellas de 1 L c/u Application Rate 25-50 mL/100 L pulverización extensiva terrestre. 50-100 mL/100 L pulverización aérea y terrestre de bajo volumen ( BV y UBV). 0,01 a 0,025 V/V para aplicaciones en cultivos intensivos y perennes Spray Gurú Adjuvant Lector de tarjetas hidrosensibles. Crea ensayos, escanea y analiza los resultados obtenidos. See More Adjuvant Lector de tarjetas hidrosensibles. Crea ensayos, escanea y analiza los resultados obtenidos. Go back Details SprayGuru geolocaliza, captura los datos del clima y los procesa para brindarte el nivel de evaporación en tiempo real. Asimismo, escanea las tarjetas hidrosensibles, las archiva para analizarlas detalladamente y posibilita al usuario compartirlas por email o redes sociales. Una herramienta útil a la hora de analizar y optimizar las pulverizaciones de manera inmediata. RizoOil Adjuvant An anti evaporation product to be used accompanied by fungicides, insecticides and herbicides. It is a vegetable oil of medium to rapid rupture, emulsifiable in water. It is apt for use in fruit growth. Crops Alfalfa Soya Cotton Rice Sunflower See More Adjuvant An anti evaporation product to be used accompanied by fungicides, insecticides and herbicides. It is a vegetable oil of medium to rapid rupture, emulsifiable in water. It is apt for use in fruit growth. Go back Details It is a vegetable oil produced from soybean oil, easily emulsified in water. Advantages Reduces the evaporation and surface tension of the applied products, improving the quality of the application. Crop Alfalfa Soya Cotton Rice Sunflower Presentation 4 bidones de 5L c/u Application Rate 0,25 a 1,25L/ha con volúmenes de agua de 100 a 150L/ha Eco Rizospray Adjuvant An adjuvant formulated on greasy monoramified etoxylated alcohol (AGE). It is a tension active and moisturizer that improves the coverage and contact of the agro-chemicals over the foliar surface. It is free of Nonyl Phenol. Crops Alfalfa Algodón Arroz Barley Girasol See More Adjuvant An adjuvant formulated on greasy monoramified etoxylated alcohol (AGE). It is a tension active and moisturizer that improves the coverage and contact of the agro-chemicals over the foliar surface. It is free of Nonyl Phenol. Go back Details With a total biodegradation superior to 90%, it works improving the coverage and adherence of the agro-chemicals over the foliar surface, increasing the efficiency of the products to be sprayed. It has a concentration of 48% of its active ingredient. This high value sets it apart from the rest of the co-adjuvants of its category. The AGE have also shown to be very good dispersers of particles, collaborating with the stability of the broth. Advantages Ensures a quick distribution over the surface of the leaf.Produces a uniform coverage of the foliar surface.Lower foam production.It is free of Nonyl Phenol and Benzene. Friendly to the environment and humans. Crop Alfalfa Algodón Arroz Barley Girasol Presentation 10 botellas de 1L c/u Application Rate RECOMENDED , 30-50 cc each 100 L of water or broth to spray Actellic 50 Acaricide insecticide An acaricide insecticide for the secure and prolonged control of plagues in stored grains. Formulated with the active ingredient of Pirimiphos-methyl. Crops Paddy rice Corn Sorghum Wheat Barley See More Acaricide insecticide An acaricide insecticide for the secure and prolonged control of plagues in stored grains. Formulated with the active ingredient of Pirimiphos-methyl. Go back Details It has a prolonged persistence in grains and in inert surfaces, allowing to maintain stored bags, silos and in storage areas protected during long periods at a time, without the need of frequent treatment. It is a preventive product within a program of grain storage management. Does not generate resistance. BRAND REGISTERED BY A COMPANY IN THE SYNGENTA GROUP Advantages Provides up to 1 year of protection with one application.Very low toxicity level for humans.Can be applied with minimal precautions and without using special teams. Crop Paddy rice Corn Sorghum Wheat Barley Presentation 12 1-liter bottles Application Rate 10 cm3 per ton of stored grain. Clartex R TDS Molluscicide bait A molluscicides feed that enables an efficient control of slugs and snails. Its active principle is metaldheido methylate (a specific molluscicide) with a 5% concentration. Crops Colza Girasol Maíz Soja See More Molluscicide bait A molluscicides feed that enables an efficient control of slugs and snails. Its active principle is metaldheido methylate (a specific molluscicide) with a 5% concentration. Go back Details It acts through dehydration, through direct contact or ingestion. It is made of flower and semolina selected to attract the plague. It ensures a uniform pellet size, in this way allowing an excellent coverage of the ground and a greater homogeneity through a centrifuge application. Advantages Incorporates a repulsive agent in its formulation so as to avoid its ingestion by domestic animalsHarmless for the beneficial fauna of the soil. (worms)Ensures persistence and durability in the soil when faced with dew and moderate showers. Crop Colza Girasol Maíz Soja Presentation Bosa de 25kg Application Rate 3-5 kg/ha. Variable según presión de la plaga Crops See All All crops Barley Chickpea Corn Fruits Green Lentil Soybean Sunflower Pastures Pea Peanut Pulses Potatoes Wheat Product Line See All Inoculants and bioinducers Crop nutrition Biostimulants Adjuvants Seed Treatment
Rizospray Extremo Adjuvant Incrementa la cobertura, penetración y actividad biológica de los herbicidas, fungicidas, insecticidas y fertilizantes foliares. Su formulación incluye organosiliconas y aceite vegetal refinado modificado, ofreciendo así un producto único y de amplio espectro para aplicaciones de alta calidad. Crops Todos los cultivos. See More
Rizonema Bionematicida Tecnología a base de moléculas orgánicas nematicidas extraídas de plantas. Crops Arroz Maíz Papa Soja See More
Rizonema Ts Bionematicida Tecnología a base de moléculas orgánicas nematicidas extraídas de plantas. Crops Arroz Maíz Soja Trigo See More
Rizospirillum Liquid inoculant Rizospirillum is a biostimulant that contains Azospirillum brasilense, a species of bacteria that enhances plant growth. Crops Caña de azúcar Maíz Soja Trigo See More
Rizoliq Dakar Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Inoculant that is specially designed for soybean production under adverse conditions such as drought and high temperatures. Crops Soja See More
New Rizoliq Surco Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Is a Liquid inoculant based on Bradyrhizobium sp, formulated for the cultivation of peanuts. It is applied simultaneously on the seed and on the sowing line. It includes osmoprotective Technology (TOP). Crops Soja See More
Signum Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Inoculant with Bioinducer technology that maximizes biological capacity of legumes and boosts Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF). It is an innovative formulation that defines a new performance standard in inoculation. Crops Soja See More
Rizoliq TOP II Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Inoculant that promotes higher bacterial metabolic and physiological performance. It allows an anticipated seed application and improves logistics when the farmer needs it most. Crops Soja See More
Rizoliq LLI S Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Is a Long Life Inoculant (LLI) that allows for the seed to be treated -alongside fungicides and insecticides- up to 60 days before the sow. Crops Soja See More
Rizoliq Max Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Liquid inoculant with a pure formulation that stands out for its ease of use Crops Soja See More
Rizoderma Max BioControl Biological fungicide for seed treatment that achieves a greater control of diseases and offers long-term residual efficacy. Crops Arroz Maíz Soja Trigo See More
Rizoderma BioControl Biological fungicide for foliar application that provides greater disease control and a prolonged residual power. Crops Tomato, Potato, Lettuce, Berries, Grapes, Soybean, Corn, Sunflower, Peanut & Dry Bean See More
Rizofos Liq Maíz Biostimulants Biofertilizante promotor del crecimiento vegetal formulado con bacterias promotoras de crecimiento (PGPR) de la especie Pseudomonas fluorescens, seleccionadas por su capacidad de solubilizar el Fósforo del suelo. Crops Maíz See More
Rizofos Plus Biostimulants Microbial biostimulant that promotes plant growth, increasing nutrients availability for a better development. Rizofos is improved nutrition and resilience Crops Arroz Maíz Soja Trigo See More
Microstar CMB BIO Nutrition and Biostimulants Microstar CMB BIO is the first micro-granular fertilizer in a chemical mixture associated with biological technology, which enhances crops nutrition and adds life to the soil. Crops Soya Cotton Chickpea Sunflower Corn See More
Microstar PZ Nutrition and Biostimulants Microstar PZ microgranular fertilizer technology promotes crop start and represents a qualitative leap towards efficiency and precision in the nutrition process. Offers the greatest efficiency on the market by applying the necessary rate of zinc. Crops Barley Girasol Legumbres Maíz See More
Vitagrow Foliar fertilizer VitaGrow is an organic-mineral foliar fertilizer that helps increase crops productivity and sustainability. Crops Arroz Arveja Canola Barley See More
Vitagrow TS Nutrition and Biostimulants Vitagrow TS ofrece cuatro beneficios en un solo fertilizante: es bioestimulante, antiestresante, detoxificante y aporta multinutrientes. Crops Alfalfa Algodón Arroz Barley See More
Microstar CMB Nutrition and Biostimulants La tecnología del fertilizante Microstar CMB representa un salto cualitativo hacia la eficacia y precisión en el proceso de nutrición de los cultivos impulsando su arranque. Amplía las posibilidades de respuesta en cultivos de leguminosas y en otros cultivos con alta Crops Barley Girasol Legumbres Maíz See More
Fertilizante microgranulado Nutrition and Biostimulants Vitagrow TS ofrece cuatro beneficios en un solo fertilizante: es bioestimulante, antiestresante, detoxificante y aporta multinutrientes. Crops Alfalfa Algodón Barley See More
Rizospray Corrector Secuestrante Adjuvant It is a pH corrector with buffering capacity and an ability to captor high performing cations that improves the water quality of agricultural sprays. Crops Todos los cultivos. See More
Rizospray Extremo Adjuvant Increases the coverage, penetration and biological activity of the herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers. Its formulation includes silicon organs, modified-refined vegetable oil, in this way offering a unique wide-range product for high quality applications. Crops Todos los cultivos. See More
Rizospray Integrum Adjuvant Only adjuvant technology that integrates a surfactant molecule system combined with modified vegetable oil (MSO), creating a micro emulsion specially designed to accompany broth-based graminicides. Crops Todos los cultivos. See More
Rizospray Extreme Adjuvant Increases the coverage, penetration and biological activity of the herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers. Its formulation includes silicon organs, modified-refined vegetable oil, in this way offering a unique wide-range product for high quality applications. Crops Alfalfa Algodón Arroz Barley Garbanzo See More
Rizo Oil M Plus Adjuvant Anti-evaporating power and penetrating product, it emulsifies the products when applied, forming a protective film, in this way reducing the evaporation and improving its reaction with the vegetable cuticles. Crops Todos los cultivos. See More
Rizospray Extremo Adjuvant Increases the coverage, penetration and biological activity of the herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers. Its formulation includes silicon organs, modified-refined vegetable oil, in this way offering a unique wide-range product for high quality applications. Crops All crops See More
Silwet Adjuvant Super moistening and dispersing adjuvant, only formulated based on trixiloxane and copolymer, without Nonyl phenol. Crops Todos los cultivos. See More
Spray Gurú Adjuvant Lector de tarjetas hidrosensibles. Crea ensayos, escanea y analiza los resultados obtenidos. See More
RizoOil Adjuvant An anti evaporation product to be used accompanied by fungicides, insecticides and herbicides. It is a vegetable oil of medium to rapid rupture, emulsifiable in water. It is apt for use in fruit growth. Crops Alfalfa Soya Cotton Rice Sunflower See More
Eco Rizospray Adjuvant An adjuvant formulated on greasy monoramified etoxylated alcohol (AGE). It is a tension active and moisturizer that improves the coverage and contact of the agro-chemicals over the foliar surface. It is free of Nonyl Phenol. Crops Alfalfa Algodón Arroz Barley Girasol See More
Actellic 50 Acaricide insecticide An acaricide insecticide for the secure and prolonged control of plagues in stored grains. Formulated with the active ingredient of Pirimiphos-methyl. Crops Paddy rice Corn Sorghum Wheat Barley See More
Clartex R TDS Molluscicide bait A molluscicides feed that enables an efficient control of slugs and snails. Its active principle is metaldheido methylate (a specific molluscicide) with a 5% concentration. Crops Colza Girasol Maíz Soja See More