
Inoculants & Bio-Inducers

Inoculant with Bioinducer technology that maximizes biological capacity of legumes and boosts Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF). It is an innovative formulation that defines a new performance standard in inoculation.

Nodule development begins with the communication between the plant radicle and the bacteria. Signum acts as a generator of molecular signals that activate early metabolic processes in bacteria and plants, resulting in an earlier and more efficient nodulation, which maximizes the nodules capacity to fix nitrogen.

SIGNUM is based on two technologies:

1. Bioinducer

It stimulates bacteria to produce multiple determinants of nodulation, improving communication between bacteria and the root.

2. Osmoprotection

It is a process that improves the physiological state and the resistance of bacteria, increasing their survival on the seed.

It allows for an anticipated seed treatment, thus preventing logistical issues at sowing time.

For extended on-seed survival, we recommend using Premax (bacteria protector).

  • Accelerates communication between root and bacteria
  • Promotes early symbiotic association, activating signals and determinants of nodulation
  • Activates bacteria physiologically, maximizing the plants' ability to fix nitrogen
  • Improves behavior in stress situations, such as hydric deficit, soil acidity and low temperatures
  • Anticipated treatment with seed-applied chemicals (ask your ag-input supplier for specific recommendations)
  • Maximizes the Biological Fixation of Nitrogen even under conditions of abiotic stress.
  • Stimulates greater Biological Nitrogen Fixation
  • Increased yield potential
Application Rate
200mL/100kg de semilla